Sunday, August 27, 2006


A Far-Stretch Outing

I think I am spoilt by the multi-million dollars life-liked animation technology deployed in most Hollywood's cartoons nowadays that I find the drawings of BarnYard totally unappealing. Every animal looks so "rubbery". Nevertheless, being a beef and poultry lover, I thought I should watch this movie so that I could settle to become a vegetarian thereafter for good.

In spite of the low expectation, I am surprise that this movie does makes me crack, something I long forgotten that I must do when watching any animation. It is hilarious to see these farm animals dancing their night away while the farmers went to sleep. I am even thrown off the seat watching them toying behind the suspecting human being. Now, after having watched talking fishes, Ants, Bugs and toys, my imagination could put up with English-speaking farm animals but I thought the ideas that cows and chicken driving vehicles down the highway are overly stretch.

As in any animation, there is always something to teach our young. In this one, besides the typical lessons on father-son love, it is also about the responsibility of a Great Man who not only stands up for himself but also protecting others - rather sexist and individualistic huh?

Anyway, after the movie, I had a wonderful Whopper at Carl's Jr.

Movie Rating: 3/5

Most Notable: In the legendary Chinese Zodiac race, the Rat is a close friend of the Bull and the Rat always likes to sit on the Bull's head. This animation coincidentally portrays exactly that!

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