LATEST (08 July 2006) - X-Men III postcard set for sale! This is not those typical free postcards. The 18 pieces postcards are gloss printed with face portrait of your favourite mutants and their individual profile on the back of the card! Going for $45/set (including Singapore postage). Interested please email me for details.
The end is near

Part One is a mutant (Magneto) wanted to turn all humans into mutants, via Rogue. Part Two is the human (Starker) scheming to kill all mutants using, well, a mutant. Now came this Part three, we see the human have derive with a “cure” for all mutants to be “normal”, like the humans. Expectedly, the two schools of mutants – one led by Magneto and another by Professor Xavier – continue to defend their own belief towards the human race.
Probably because this is the final installment of the X-men movie, the scriptwriter keeps no mutants in their bag. This is such a mutant’s fest, which debut the Beast, Angel, Juggernaut, Kitty Pryde, Callisto, Multiple Man among hundred of other mutants! I guess this is sure to satisfy all X-men comic’s fans. However, whatever happened to Gambit, which is one of the anchor mutants in the comic? While the movie started off spectacularly with the Angel spreading his wings and the “cure” special abilities threatening the mutant’s community, strangely, they have so little screen time that they were almost forgotten by the audience.
But would any action movie fans care about the plot holes? The film has a number of jaw-dropping scenes of disbelieve: the Jean Grey Versus Professor Xavier in her old residence and the final showdown, which involves the Golden Gate Bridge. Such would already make your ticket price worth.
Though the finale of any trilogy would always raise the expectations of audience, THE LAST STAND definitely does not disappoint. One quell I have about the movie is that many mutants were dispatched too early, and too easily. Moreover, by so doing, it would kill off the booming X-men’s franchise - does not make any good business sense to me here.
But wait. There is a bonus scene at the end of the rolling credits. Would there be a 4th installment? I can’t wait!
Movie Rating: 4/5
Most desirable mutant: Jean Grey a.k.a Dark Phoenix (Who else?)
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